Investigation on traditional remedy in Brittany, Christophe Auray, Ouest-France éditions (2011)
Christophe Auray (veterinary surgeon) gathered a lot of relevant information on the remedy used to heal men and domestic animals until the beginning of 20th century, when human and veterinary medicines were very close.

Some remedies were given to both men and animals.
In the past, the plants were preponderant in remedies and used through different forms: local applications (cataplasms), tea, fumigations for respiratory issues …
Many of these remedies have been forgotten, but others are still used nowadays.
All these herbal remedies represent valuable testimonies of a traditional know-how.
They may reappear through organic farming as their efficacy and non-toxicity are proved.
Consequently, traditional remedies may inspire the development of plants-based additives as long as they are completed by scientific proofs: molecules’ characterization, and investigations on efficacy: modes of action, non-toxicity... not to mention economical studies.