Oxidative stress: modification of antioxidant systems and peroxidation reactions on a dairy cow in PERI-PARTUM.
(Mr Erisir et al.: “Changes in plasma malonedialdehyde concentration and some erythrocyte antioxidiant enzymes in cows with prolapsus uteri, caesarean section, and retained placenta”, veterinary medicinal review, 2006, vol.157, n°2, pp. 80-83.)

Mr Erisir et al. have shown in a study published in 2006 that antioxidant systems could be defective and peroxidation reactions could be accelerated on cows with uterine prolapsed or cows who suffered a caesarean.
The study counts 40 Prim’Holstein cows from 2 and a half to 3 and a half years old : 15 had no farrowing incident, 15 presented a retained placenta, 8 suffered from uterine prolapse and 8 a caesarean. Blood samples have been realized between 24 and 28 hours after farrowing. 3 indicators have been measured. CAT and GSH Px are antioxidants while MDA is a product from lipid peroxidation.
Researchers showed that CAT activity doesn’t vary in a significant way between the 4 hatches. For animals who suffered from uterine prolapse or a caesarian, MDA plasmatic concentrations increase significantly and GSH Px activity is reduced compared with animals from the control groups who retained placenta.
Control group (n=15) |
Retained placenta (n=15) |
Uterine prolapse (n=8) |
Caesarian (n=8) |
MDA: Malonedialdehyde (nmol/mL) |
3.81+/-0.21 |
3.33+/-0.17 |
5.10+/-0.25 |
5.47+/-0.30 |
CAT: Catalase (K/g Hb) |
31.57+/-2.44 |
31.84+/-2.09 |
30.10+/-3.49 |
40.93+/-4.06 |
GSH Px: Glutathion peroxydase (U/g Hb) |
81.23+/-6.23 |
89.02+/-6.92 |
65.17+/-7.45 |
50.15+/-6.61 |